Our school was founded in 1946. Prior to that, it had been a Japanese primary school itself. The campus covers 46045.8m2 and is divided into two parts -- a southern campus and a northern one.
Now, there are forty-four classrooms in total, including thirty-seven ordinary classrooms with average students, three mentally-challenged classrooms, three athletically-specialized classrooms, and one classroom of students with learning disabilities. students come from the elementary schools in the community,Hsinhua,Tahsin,Chengsin,Napa,Kopei,Jiaokeng,and Takeng Branch included. At the present time, the number of students is 1584, and the staff is up to 110.
This school has long been established. It has developed and grown with time. We follow the nationwide policy of education, carry out the nationwide goal of education, stick to the principle of education, combine the wisdom of all school staff, preserve the local culture, and integrate a variety of cultures. We have done all of these with a view to forming a kind of humanity-oriented ethics around campus, with a hope organizing a stronger educational system, and looking forward to achieving a new state of high-quality education. In addition, we will patiently lead students according to their individual multiple intelligences and emphasize the development of morality, intellect, physical education, group life, and aestheticsin students. we will also help students develop a sound mind in a sound body and become a promising, well-built youth who can keep pace with the world. On top of that, students will keep learning all life and put what they have learned into practice so that the sacred mission of education will be completed.
ADDR: No.722 Chunghsing Road, Hsinhua Township, Tainan County, Taiwan, R.O.C
TEL: 8865902269 FAX: 8865900694
E-mail : sos@shjhs.tn.edu.tw